Don’t lock down your freedom

by Vanessa Acevedo 💻📋 March 10, 2021 3 Comments

Don’t lock down your freedom

I never imagined that my life would change in this way. Small things make big differences. I never thought that something so common that one sees it on the streets every day, would lead me to freedom and joy.

March 15th, 2020 was the last day I found myself among the crowd trying to get to university on public transport. Then, the confinement came and it looked like we had to say goodbye to outdoor activities … I continued with my regular activities from home but... I felt that it was time to reinvent myself.

One day, I went out for groceries. I was walking in a hurry when something caught my eye: the number of bikes rolling down the streets (despite the lockdown)… and fewer people walking. I was carrying my grocery bags in a slightly bad mood because they were so heavy, and my back was hurting. Tired, I got home and considered the option of getting a bicycle. “Maybe that will help...”, I thought. I was right.

Vanessa trying mountain Bike after cycling changed her life

The day I got my bicycle, the lockdown was over for me… everything changed! We were told to go out only for fundamental needs and exercise. Voilà! Many of my activities became easier! Fears and anxiety went away. I started to explore the city like never before, enjoying nature by the river, and riding on the streets with a big smile. To feel the wind on my face, to ride fast or slow, to ride for fun or fitness. What a great feeling! It is external freedom but inner freedom too. 

Map of my rides after cycling changed my life forever

Never stop trying new things, and for those that never rode a bicycle before, for whatever reason, make sure you ride one…! And, for those who are on track: How riding a bicycle has empowered your life?

I’m sure that you have awesome stories waiting to be told. :)

Vanessa Acevedo 💻📋
Vanessa Acevedo 💻📋


3 Responses


March 24, 2021

La verdad andar en bicicleta me a ayudado mucho a no perder el control de mis emociones y a seguir de pie luchando 👍

Réjean Bouchard
Réjean Bouchard

March 24, 2021

Pour avoir fait du vélo avec elle, Vanessa est la cycliste par excellence !

Ana Gabriela Rojas
Ana Gabriela Rojas

March 24, 2021

Gracias por compartir tu experiencia¡ Da mucha alegría y nos inspiras¡ Besosss

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